Monday, July 14, 2008

My First Day as a Permanent Employee :)

Today began with me waking up at 5 in the morning, shockingly, on my own. For this great feat, I will have to thank the concept of time difference :), but I definitely wasn't happy to see the Rain Gods back in business. When I do get the time to write about NY, you will notice that it had been really sunny and warm the past few days, a combination that always lifts me up! Still, once out of bed, I had a leisurely bath, the importance of which I have understood only after my recent struggle with body odor (read CCU to JFK... Could Have Been Better), filled myself up with corn flakes and milk, and headed out to work. Since I had enough time to reach the office, I experimented with the NY subway, trying to figure out the shortest route to office. I did manage to do that, thanks to my decent spatial intelligence, but realized only after having deciphered the red, blue and green maze that is NY subway, that I have to go to a different place from tomorrow. For this, I would like to thank my not-so-decent logical intelligence! Anyway, once I reached the office, it was great to see that they were serving breakfast. There were cream croissants (like in Europe), coke et al (like in US ;)), muffins (like any other place) and lots more. It was ironic that I was full from my own breakfast, but I made a solemn promise to myself that I would make up for it in lunch time! Had to indulge in 'PC', IIMB lingo for "polite conversation", which is laughing at others' jokes even when you don't get them, and asking questions or discussing things that will never ever affect any of us! For example, when I asked a Chinese guy if he had a family in China!! How was it of any use, I am still perplexed. Had he been a girl, and a hot one at that, then it would have made a lot of sense, I agree ;) hehe. Anyway, once the paperwork was over, we were told that we were free to scoot, which we did happily :D. Thank God for small mercies! Another half cooked plan for the evening was conjured, and we left for our homes, spread out across Manhattan like radars in a war zone!
Having missed out on an excellent opportunity of devouring free and yummy food, I decided to cook something myself. When I took out the potatoes and tomatoes from the refrigerator, I realized that that particular shelf was a deep freezer and now my tomatoes were sounding like stone, and bouncing off the floor if dropped! And of course, the pinch of salt was still elusive. Hence I came up with my latest masterpiece: a lunch of strawberries and carrots! Talk about healthy food! They have been under running water since the last 15 minutes, to get rid of the ice around them, in them... hehehe.. and my letter 'g' is also bugging me a lot, since it has merrily stopped working since last week. Hence, I think now its time for me to have my healthy yummy food, while you read this and comment on it :)!


shamli said...
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Mastram said...

hahaha.. arre, I am great at cooking, ask ur near and dear ones :D !! But still eager to affirm your expertise in this department :) ... pretty soon now ( I like bhindi and rajma waise ;) )

Megha said...
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Fugitive said...

I like strawberries...they are pink and sweet