Monday, March 31, 2008

History in the Making

Today, ladies and gentlemen, is a great day in the history of mankind (and monkeykind)! By some unimaginable amount of persuasion, this monkey has been forced to create a journal on the internet (what you humans call "Blog") and you are one of the first few visitors to view (afterall, that's what visitor do, dont they?) this masterpiece in the making (hee hee hee- that's how we monkeys laugh!). Converting monkey emotions into human language in the past lines has been very taxing for my brain and so, I must take a break (actually, food is calling and so is the parent monkey). But assure thee i must, this endeavour shall not stop here but go on and on and on and on... (we monkeys love to repeat things!) till the end of eternity. Here I must sign off - Hee He Hoo Hoo!!


Megha said...
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Fugitive said...

Monkey man rocks :)

Unknown said...

haha...awesome!!..i want to read mooore ;-)

Tani said...

Bravo...for taking a step(or should I say a monkey-jump) into the blogging world :D

hope to see you *hanging* around here...hehehe