Friday, April 27, 2012

Looking Forward to the Future

Tomorrow I fly to a new land. For a person who loves traveling, it's like giving a new toy to a child - I am so looking forward to the long walks. I have heard Hong Kong is quite like New York, with the tall skyscrapers (I've read that HK actually has more of these), the gardens and the flowers (nothing can match Central Park though and no, I am not gay), the beaches in the untouched southern part of the island but most of all to the typhoons. They go up to category 10, with wind speeds as high as 250 km/h! And usually there are 3-4 in a year like these! Yayy! People in Hong Kong wake up every day hoping to hear the Met Dept. declare a "Rainy Day", when all offices and schools are shut down, just like they used to in my school days. After living in London all these years, I had almost forgotten what a downpour looks/sounds like. A few days back I relived the memory when rain drops the size of tennis balls fell from the Delhi skies. I was scared to go out and get wet (although I desperately wanted to) lest I get hurt. I've read that the rains in Hong Kong sound like drumroll! Although I used to hate rain, I think I will love to watch the drops on my window, with a cuppa in my hands and fond memories in my mind.

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