Monday, June 8, 2009

Cities of the World

After a very very long time, I have found some time to sit and write about some of the thoughts that had crept into my mind during the last couple of months, but I never got the chance to put them on paper (or screen). That is because the past few months have been so hectic, with trips home, exams knocking on the door (yesss, muggoo, fighter, crazy..whatever ;)), that I really haven't had the time to relax and collect my thoughts. So it finally happened in a foreign land, where I should be roaming around and exploring the city but frankly, today I am just too tired. So, let me try to clear the backlog I have... FIFO (blame cfa for that)...

London vs. New York

Supposedly these are the two best cities in the world. Yet somehow, I always get a very different feeling when I am there. This is what I feel about the top 2 contenders for the "greatest city of the world" title:

NYC is more steel, London is plastic. In NYC, the subway trains are made of steel, the stair cases going up and down are old fashioned regular steel stairs, getting rusted on more edges than one. London, on the other hand, is more conscious of how it looks. Whatever can be plastic, (and pretty), is plastic (and pretty). London has escalators everywhere. Everything that could be mechanized, is. Even the police keeps its eyes on the streets via video cameras. No wonder the British government needs to tax its citizens 40% of their income! In NYC, on the other hand, police cars are more ubiquitous than taxis (ok, that was an exaggeration, but they are a close second!). In London, revolving doors to your office keep moving at a slow pace, on their own, while in NYC, you have to push the revolving door so hard that you tend to wonder how you are gaining weight even after all of this exercise. I guess what I am trying to say is that London gives you a very relaxed, calm and soothing feeling. It's pretty, quiet and mellow. It's like a puppy. You lie down and then it will slowly cuddle around you. NYC on the other hand is full of action. It's 'life in the fast lane'. If you don't keep up, you will be left behind. You have to fight, you have to be tough. It gives the adrenaline kick to those who value success the most. It's the city where legends are made. It's like an untamed stallion, which will fight you but if you win, you will be content in the end. NYC is the factory of the world. London is the corporate head office. Iron moves in the underbelly of NYC while London sits in an air-conditioned office completing its paperwork. Steam billows out from NYC while London tastes wine. So I guess it boils down to what kind of a person you are? Are you one who values a good work-life balance, seeks beauty and wants to have time to pursue your hobbies or are you a person who values success the most, who doesn't mind working as long as it brings you money and fame, and who measures the quality of life by prestige and honor?

P.S. Currently I am in Tokyo, which seems like a crazy city to me (Nunni, I can't understand how you liked this city!!). Everything is colored red yellow or pink, everything is cartoon and streets have no names (yup, they don't... there is a Japanese way to hone in on a destination by numbers which even the locals don't understand completely!!)

1 comment:

Kandarp said...

Hey - happened to drop by your blog - awesome :)

NYC is more steel, London is plastic

I am curious to hear Lakshmi Mittal's reaction on this statement !