Thursday, November 13, 2008

Straight From the Horse's Mouth...Almost!

Today I chanced upon something very disturbing on the net. Apparently, there was a survey conducted in Germany and millions of people were asked - "People of which profession would you NOT want to have as your friends?", and one in every four answered - Investment Bankers! That's a very high number because there were only 2 other professions that fared worse than the suited-booted-sophisticated and supposed-to-be-very-smart bankers; they were Criminals and Prostitutes!
So, ladies and gentlemen, Investment Bankers share the podium with Criminals and Prostitutes for being the most notorious and hated professionals in the world. Now, being an Investment Banker myself, I find this highly appalling and am forced to ask - What the frick is wrong with Prostitution? ;)


Fugitive said...

I am all for prostitution...does a debt market analyst qualify as an investment banker :)

Mastram said...

I'm sure he does, but I am also sure YOU would be an exception in this survey, dear Nunni! ;)

Mastram said...

khee khee! ;)

The Soul of Alec Smart said...

Hehehe.. MR, trust you to come up with this :) You are not called MastRam for nothing na?

PS: Please accept my sincerest congratulations for coining the term "Nunni McLittle". LegenDARY!

Fugitive said...

Ihe name Nunni Mclittle doesn't connect...It doesn't bear the imprint of my soul and hence cannot be my name.. I ask you dear ones what's wrong with Ponds :(

Mastram said...

R.O.T.F.L. Nunni McLittle, the little mermaid in the big cruel ocean!! :) :)

Fugitive said...

I can't be the little mermaid...But I cud have been a merman if I liked water